MG Fleet

truck PRO8475 4 uk

PRO (in cab) devices

People buy telematics because it will reduce costs and improve efficiencies within their business. This is true but it requires huge investments in time to manually analyse data and educate drivers on a regular basis.

When you add a PRO device, this changes the game! This turns your telematics system into something unique and pro-active. The PRO device provides Active Driver Feedback. This is critical to automate the process of data analysis which is reactive couple with the active feedback which is pro-active. We feel this is the only way to improve driver safety and increases mpg but most importantly it maintains that high level of performance.

The PRO Driver Terminals come with Lifetime Maps and TomTom’s unique LIVE traffic, so your mobile workforce always drives with the latest map, on the fastest routes and most accurate dynamic, vehicle based ETAs.


  • Reduce fuel costs
  • Heighten safety
  • Dynamic routing
  • Improve customer service
  • Increase efficiencies through business applications

PRO devices at a glance…

As well as the unique driver coaching tool, the PRO Driver Terminals come with Lifetime Maps and TomTom’s unique LIVE traffic, so your mobile workforce always drives with the latest map, on the fastest routes and most accurate dynamic, vehicle based ETAs. This unique solution gives better routing, improves service to customer with better ETA information and can reduce the miles you travel.

Receive up-to-date job details when connected to WEBFLEET. Report on job status, manage workflow and more via a tap on the screen. All information is reported automatically in WEBFLEET, resulting in less paperwork for you and offers full service trans­parency for your customers. For more information check our Job Management Page. You can also integrate the Pro device into job handling software and various paperless solutions. Check out how our partner application here.

Two way communication (text to voice) allows communication to individual drivers or it allows you to send memo’s round to the whole fleet. The text lands on the device and is read out to the driver automatically. This allows the driver to stay informed and discourages them to interact with the device so they are not distracted from the job in hand.

Digitally report your business private mileage or report your working time. The PRO devices allow you to digitise labour intensive parts of your business such as logbook report or time sheets. Create pro-active prompts for your driver to report their working hours or trips accurately.

The PRO 8XXX android device allows you to run 3rd part applications. This allows you to invest in one single device to cater for a multitude of requirements. Check out our Business Integration page for more details on integration into WEBFLEET and the applications available.

Download our data sheet on the latest PRO Devices: